Families, moving in harmony, can take a lot of work. Oftentimes families come to therapy because of disharmony, non-fulfilling relationships, or feelings of dysfunction. Therapy can bring the family back to a place of joy and loving kindness. Family therapy understands the family as an entire system of complex interconnected relationships. Figuring out why the connections aren’t connecting and how to reconnect relationships can happen in family therapy.
If you are curious about how Family therapy works, generally, I like to see everyone who has some immediate connection to the family. This list can include children, parents, and grandparents or aunts. We meet in my office for 1hour and 20 minutes and we meet weekly until you have received what you need.
I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation
Please call to decide if psychotherapy is right for your family.
Phone: 415.506.9646
Email: info@amytrusso.com